Yoga Reset

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Yoga: In Sanskrit comes from the root work ”yuj” Literally means ”integration” or ”union”; to join together, to yoke. Yoga Reset was born in January of 2014. In our yoga practice whether on or off the mat we strive for uniting the Mind, Body & Spirit.Wanting to get the whole studio experience; bolsters, blankets, straps, and blocks are provided for the students with a few mats to rent when the occasion arises. A water cooler and tea are provided that the student can take with them to their mat. It has become a safe, nurturing environment for students where they can let go of the day to day expectations and just dial in to the within. Feel free to come see for yourself what Yoga Reset has to offer you.

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(507) 351-4128
412 Central Avenue Suite B
Faribault, MN 55021
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